To produce a Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread for a new Music Magazine and my chosen audience.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Friday, 6 April 2012
Question 7 # Evaluation
7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Question 5 # Evaluation
5) How did you attract/ address your audience?
I used a questionnaire to collect my data, asking them certain questions which would be useful to me to add into my magazine and what they expected from a magazine.
I also drew a sketch of my Masthead to see whether or not it was appealing to my audience.I wanted to be unique and create my own typography so I stuck to basic lines but still made them look bold and appealing. Majority of my audience said it was different and it stood out and complimented the genre I was going for. After all this was the masthead I stuck with and developed it on Photoshop.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Question 3 # Evaluation
3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
IPC could distribute my media product because they’re a large company which filters into different social group’s i.e. sports, homes and gossip, which means they cater to different audiences. Looking through the different magazines they distribute, its clear that they only publish NME which is a mainstream music magazine. Reasons for why they could distribute my product is because there would be a balance between Mainstream and Niche music being published which will cater to different audiences. As niche genres don’t get as much publicity, this gives my product the opportunity to expand further and build a wider audience base. It’s also an advantage because most niche magazines could be found online and their isn’t as many in stores, whereas having them published and then sold in Big Box Stores such as “Tesco or Asda” enables a wider range of consumers and it could be used as a form of narrow casting because it will cater to only to a niche audience and it benefits them more because it will be easier to find and purchase. As this institution accumulates more women than men, this gives a better opportunity to grab the female crowd because they’re more likely to go out and purchase more magazines then men, so this allows more money to be made, plus my magazine is filled with different topics which women take more interest in such as touring and book signings.
Overall I think that this would be a good institution to distribute my product from because it gives a chance to fill the open market to were it will make a lot of money, and also as Afro Beats is a genre which is becoming popular amongst the audience of most 15-25yr old it’s a good way to promote and gain more readers.

Question 1 # Evaluation
1) In what ways does this media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My Music Magazine consists of a Front Cover, Contents Page and a Double Page Spread. Each page shows a different layout and, the composition of text and images are different. Within my front cover I have the main image of my artist which is in the centre, the sell lines are aligned to one side of the page; and my puff sits on the boarder, and my masthead spreads across the top. I used colours which worked well and complemented each other i.e. black, white, orange and dark green. I also added in a barcode and a website for audience purpose. Using these conventions I’ve tried to put together a finished front cover by using different technical skills on Photoshop to give a finished quality look to my page.
On the contents page I have my main artist, additional images and text. I decided to adopt some of the former magazines techniques to embed within my own. I looked at VIBE magazine and saw how they split the word ‘contents’ so I used the same affect on my own page. Most of my text runs through the centre and the images are on either side, I decided to use a different approach because most contents pages for magazines have text either on the right or left hand side of the page so I wanted to do something different. I also decided to slant my additional images to give my page a different look because it’s very common to have images which are position straight rather at and angle, it gives a more interesting appeal. I made my own arbitrary logo out of the three main symbols which stand out of my masthead, which was the: O, S and the music note. Having this symbol will allow my audience to recognise my magazine and allows them to be apart of the culture.
With my double page spread I used a natural simplistic background to reflect on my artist and the cover story. I used this idea to steer away from the typical studio shot that would be displayed in a double page spread. This gives it a better appearance because within the location it’s very subtle but speaks a lot and it ties in with the genre of my magazine. I also used other conventions such as pull quotes and heading on this page so that my audience get an insight to what the story is about and my text forms around the main image to give a better affect to the page.
All together my product uses different conventions to put together a realistic music magazine, I used the same colours throughout to show continuity and within layout and composition each page looks different to show that my magazine is versatile to show different aspects to it.
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