Saturday, 25 February 2012
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Analysis of Billboard #Rihanna

I looked at Billboard Magazine and analysed the layout and composition and the different features it consisted of.
The main image standouts because of the colours which have been used, the red is very bold and vibrant, this could connote lust or desire because it matches her facial expression- giving the intense look. Also by using a darker background makes the image seem more potent and entices it's audience more. The close-up shot of her may portray her to look sweet and innocent for her audience, but then her tattoo’s convey a different meaning, saying she isn’t as sweet an innocent she’s made out to be, it shows she has more of an edge to her appearance, because not all females like to show off their tattoo’s whereas Rihanna doesn’t mind because it’s apart of her.
The masthead links with the main image and the title on top of the masthead, using the same colours throughout shows the continuity within the front cover, also the typography used in the masthead is subtle which allows the rest of the text on the page to be noticeable. The typography used is sharp and bold, written in uppercase lettering and it stands out to state what’s on the front cover of the issue. The cover lines have certain words which connect to what the story may be about e.g. ‘Bull on Parade’ links with the artist name, named: Pitbull and gives us a quick insight into what he’s on parade for. This is a good way to entice an audience because it gives a snippet of what the story is about which would make them want to read on.
At the bottom of the magazine they’ve used a pull quote from what she has said, this is a good way to attract a big audience because this will make them want to know the real her, and people would want to know what’s she’s been hiding. Also on top of her name, they used a visual pun because her nick name is known as ‘RiRi’ but they changed it to fit the purpose of the main cover story to draw in an audience.
All together the sick composition and layout of text and imagery help to showcase a good cover story on Rihanna. The use of colours help show the type of bold personality she conveys and the main story helps sale her even more because her fans would be willing to know new updates about her and how she’s changing along the way.
Friday, 10 February 2012
Teacher Feedback
Annabel, you have made some good progress with your planning and research so far. Your textual analysis is interesting and you show a good understanding of the use of the key features. Well done.
Targets: 1) You need to include at least one more analysis of a front cover
2) Use the checklist to ensure you are up to date with all tasks by the end of the half term break
Targets: 1) You need to include at least one more analysis of a front cover
2) Use the checklist to ensure you are up to date with all tasks by the end of the half term break
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Analysis of Double Page Spread # Lana Del Rey

Looking at Q double page spread of LANA DEL REY, I’ve seen that they’ve gone for a dark mysterious look because they have used colours such as black, dark blue and red. They used a close up as their main image of her, this image is very seductive and could connote desire or lust because her eyes are closed, but yet the blue could convey depression because she doesn’t look to happy in the picture. The red used in her hair can symbolise the pain from her past because she wanted to be prom queen, this relates to why she’s in a prom dress on the front cover- she is reliving her youth days, wanting to feel appreciated by others. The way in which her nails are pointed at her neck could convey the gestured sign of being suicidal because they’re sharp and pointed at her trachea, this could link to her still being affected by her past and not wanting to be reminded. This also links in to the whole idea of her being mysterious because we don’t know her persona and what she was like in the past.
The layout and composition of the text is written in a column which gives it a simplistic look because the picture is the main focus of the page. The big S is a hyperbole of the typography, which stands out more because you’re more likely to read what’s covering the S which could be its main objective. Within the text, juxtaposition is used: ‘demonic standing’ / ‘prom queen crown’ this could show the contrast of her; the picture she’s being portrayed as two different things which could probably make it harder for the audience to understand her. Further down the text it states that ‘her mascara is streaked’ this could represent disappointment that has occurred in her life and how she may have felt betrayed. There’s also the use of alliteration ‘bruised and broken’ this could connote how she’s emotionally feeling prior to her past; she eventually chooses the picture she feels best sums her up and says ‘that’s my life’- this suggests she feels some sort of heartache and doesn’t feel it will heal.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Analysis of Contents page #Q

I analysed Q content page and explored how they used layout and composition, image and text.
Within the layout and composition of text, Q decided to place it on the left hand side and it’s written within a column which can make it easier to read. The main pages to view have been put in a bolder font so it stands out for the reader and it gives a brief statement of what the topic is about, this is good because the reader will have an insight into what they’re reading. The main stories are written in upper case lettering to imply that they’re important for the audience to read, the typography used is very curvy which could be used for the type of genre the edition is putting on display i.e. Pop, this creates more of an appealing effect for the audience because it looks better then having sharp typography.
Q has stuck with the same continuity of colour which is red, this colour is very vibrant and would appeal to an audience and also it could be Q signature colour. Using a white background for this page is very simplistic, but also good because then everything else on the page stands and speaks for it self rather than having too many colours which could be a distraction.
By using visual contents this allows the reader to find what they’re looking for rather than finding the pages, also by having features within their contents means they have a mix and blend of different genres which can interest a wider audience because they’re not only sticking to one they’re thinking of versatility to engage more people.
The main image stands out because there isn’t much going on to it, but the use of black and white makes the page look more seductive and appealing. With what she’s wearing makes her look more edgy because she’s in tight fitted clothing which can attract more of a male crowd plus females might like what she is wearing.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Analysis of Contents Page #VIBE

I looked at VIBE contents page and explored the different features it consisted of: layout and composition, text and image.
With the layout and composition within text and images I saw that all the written text has been aligned to the left hand side of the page, whilst the masthead and subheading is on the right and the main image is in the centre. This allows everything on the page to be more visual and easier to find rather than having texts with pictures in different areas of the page.
As VIBE generating from a HIP HOP/R’n’B/Rap genre, the red connotes masculinity and power, and the white which is used for the text creates a more chic look to the magazine. The white and red adhere to the type of genre the magazine is, it could represent pure dominance because the male rapper is the main cover line story which shows how he is important to read within the magazine.
The typography used in the sell lines subverts the idea of masculinity whereas on the contents it has bold, sharp upper case lettering; this can show how the magazine is very diverse in conveying different meanings so that it fits a wider audience. The way in which they’ve displayed contents could attract their audience because it visually stands out better and it’s more of a creative way to appeal to an audience.
As the key image being the most important aspect of the page, it grabs the audience by the way his body gesture is and the jewellery that he is wearing. This could convey that he’s apart of the ‘bling culture' and it shows he has a lot of money by the amount of diamonds he’s wearing. The tattoos convey masculinity and it could show that he feels no pain. He fits the stereotype of a gangster because, he’s wearing no clothes from what we can see and he is boasting of the amount of money he is able to make. The expression on his face shows confidence and pride because he could be smiling at the fact he’s been able to break into the music industry and make money out of it.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Analysis of Q magazine #Tinie Tempah

I looked at Q Magazine and I analysed the front cover to explore the different features it had, and how it uses image, text and colour throughout the page.
With the main image it stands out from the rest of the text this allows it to be noticeable, the use of glasses makes him seem more mysterious to its audience which could entice the reader. The colours of his shirt links in with the main cover story and the puff/ cover line, the shirt makes him look sophisticated, and his facial expression pursues confidence and no fear because we can’t see his eyes. The two different colours used on the side of his face (blue/redish-pink) could connote two sides of his personality; the blue being his softer gentleman side and the redish-pink being the bolder side to him, conveying power and dominance within his music.
The puff that’s used under the masthead could suggest the magazine has a lot to offer because it says: DISCOVER GREAT… which means its audience will be in for a treat; also the other puff which is used on top of the main image helps boast about the magazine because it’s very popular and has been running for 25years- this can persuade the audience to let them know it’s a good magazine because its been published for a long time. Also the main puff/ cover line helps boast about the artist more because it’s telling the audience that they must collect this edition because he’s in the ranking of one of the best artist out of 25, which gives him a better image because he’s being portrayed in a good light. The main cover line which is used as a quote, would attract a big audience because it draws them in to knowing his life story and how Music changed his life, the quote used is short and snappy which connects to the audience better because its leaves them in suspense.
There are two types of typography being used, one that’s bolder written in upper case lettering and the other that’s softer and has more curves to it. The main cover line is written with the bolder font so that it stands out and attracts its audience, whereas on the cover lines it uses the softer font which make the artists seem not as important because the main artist to focus on is Tinie Tempah.
The typography used for the artists’ name look as if he’s signed it himself which could be purposely done for his audience, to make it look sentimental for its reader because it looks personalised.
Within the layout and composition of this front cover everything is in line with each other, there isn’t much happening on the page which could make it better for an audience because the main image and cover lines speak for it’s self which could entice people to buy this magazine. The main image looks as if it’s pushing the main cover line of the page, this is to enhance on how important the main image is and what it’s trying to offer its audience.
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